Holding the state of New Mexico accountable for its constitutional duty to protect the environment.
New Mexico’s Constitution places a duty on the state to prevent the despoilment of New Mexico’s air, water, and other natural resources, and to protect the state’s beautiful and healthful environment (Article XX. Section 21).
But for decades, the state has failed to protect New Mexicans from the devastating harms of surging oil and gas pollution. This pollution hurts our health, land, air, water, Indigenous sacred places and climate on a daily basis.

NM LAWS (New Mexico Land, Air, Water, and the Sacred) is a group of Indigenous, frontline and youth organizations and community members taking bold and unprecedented legal action to demand that the state of New Mexico live up to its constitutional duty to control pollution, to protect the fundamental rights of New Mexicans, and guarantee equal protection under the law.
Watch NM LAWS on New Mexico PBS!
Trailer for NM LAWS: Defending Land, Air, Water, and the Sacred
NM LAWS holding the State accountable for the harms of oil and gas pollution:
The Case
We filed our case in the 1st Judicial District Court of New Mexico. Stand with us and follow the case.
The Harms
Learn about the damages of oil and gas pollution.
Take Action
Learn how you can support NM LAWS.
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